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Sunday, October 18, 2009 7:54 PM
get this right-- 18 September-- 7:58PM

Alright. Let me get this straight... 
I have absolutely NO IDEA why there are still a no. of ppl who mistook me for some Chinese-related kid. No offence to those Chinese out there O_O And nahhh I'm not pissed about this issue. Just that... it's better to clear out this mess...right? :3

AND OH BOY! I has a new frienddddd....on tagged ^-^" He's even got the looks >D But importantly he's not like those who just get this...issue about insane ppl, which is me. I mean....LIVE ME THE FCK ALONE IF I DISPLEASE YOU. Haha he's awesome (:

Oh dear Oh my... I think I reallyyyyyy want a new hp -x- Curse you dad for not giving me that chance..... Q_Q I-I thought a father m-must care for his ch-children! 

LOL the drama. xD Sorry folks. gotta go eat.