"good gracious!"
Be kind m'kay :)
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"good gracious!"
Be kind m'kay :)
Thursday, November 19, 2009 6:52 PM
Good ol' Days-- 19/11/09-- 6:53PM
GOOD OLD DAYS. Days that are hard to forget. Days that are easy to regret. My good old days? Oh that's hard. I guess the first one was remembering A BOY that once just said: "Who I like? Oh I like her. *points at me*" so casually that I was stunned. My friends were shocked like hell too lol. I was sitting in front of him. And he was behind me. We were Primary 2 then. Aww adorable l-l-l-l-l-love! Of course.... then he just HAVE to continue: "But of course, I also like Siti NurHalizah, and blahblahblah." I was like ----> =_______________=* LIKE COME ON. CAN'T YOU JUST LIKE ONE PERSON ALREADY?! xDDD Omg those days were so full of 'bitter-sweetness'. I miss those days )': The second one that was hard to forget was when I was Primary 4 then.... another bitter-sweet 'I-like-you' story...... sorry butttt I won't be sharing that part..... :( The third one was I was Primary 6. PSLE was over. What do the whole class do?! UNO FEVER YEA!!!! Whenever THIS BOY was suppose to call out the name of the next person to draw the card, he kept on saying my name by mistake o_O. Lol! Now that I think of it, it's pretty cute of him lol(?) But uh no wasn't interested in him. Sorry BOY D: Other than that memory from playing UNO, I remembered when me and my other girl pals CHEATED LIKE IT WAS NOTHING. HAH! We pretended that each of our cards has dropped to the floor WHEN WE WERE THE ONE THAT DROPPED IT. So as to save them from falling into a bad 'tumble' during their next turn. xD AND ALSO. We secretly passed cards to each other UNDER THE TABLE. Sometimes when one of the boys who were suppose to shuffle the deck, he would steal some extra cards and either put them in their pockets or under the table xDDDD. It was so damn funneh.... I MISS MY DEAR 6 PRUDENCE!!!!! DDDDD': And lastly, it would be when it was in Sec 1. I didn't know much about 1B back then. I was the sickenening-silent one LOL. I didn't talk much. Hahahahaha. Hurrrr there's nothing more to talk about.... oh well. Try sharing with me about YOUR GOOD OLD DAYS! Tell me about that in your posts in your own blog and let me know! :)) Cheers. |