"good gracious!"
Be kind m'kay :)
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"good gracious!"
Be kind m'kay :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010 6:22 AM
Hullo :> I've been rather busy creating blogskins ^^" So I guess that explains my disappearance on FACEBOOK and... I guess on BLOGGER too... Oh it's currently 6:23 AM, Sunday. Tomorrow's the first day of school! hehehe~ I'm rather excited... seeing that I've boosted my will to study during the holidays. Dad promised me, that, if I get all of my subjects a 'B' for the first major test or exam, he'll buy me a TABLET!! I've always been dreaming on having a TABLET! With it, I get to......(figure that out yourselves hehe) woopy! I've left one more math quiz to go to complete!! I'm confident I could complete it(?) But... it is tiring... Yesterday, my brain nearly exploded from finishing the last 30 quest. on the previous one. But I was damn proud I finished it haha! Most of my classmates didn't bother to finish it... me too actually. But just because I felt like doing them so... I did them...? ^^" Ahh~ This year will be busy AND fun I assure that ^0^/ Busy: School homework, project works, assignments etc. Fun: Art class, still manage to hang around with my friends from 2B etc.(And I hope the teachers won't be sour-grapes hurmph.) That's just a prediction. Anything could go better or worse, up to me! I realized... I've been lacking myself in reading mangas these days 0.0" Hmm... probably because I can't find a good one to read on T^T Ah! Do any of you guys no VISTLIP? It's a JRock band! :D (*****5 stars for random topic! haha!) I agree with AKEMI(againLOL)on her post! My mind really IS still glued to 2009 0.0" Haiyooooooo ^^" Anyways. I'll be going now. Gotto wake the rest of the family to do their morning prayers! *0* Byebye! |