Monday, October 19, 2009 6:34 AM
daylight-- 19 September-- 6:47AM

Good morning (:
Ah... today's a school holiday. Oh, to any indians out there: HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
I know this may not mean much but hey; what's wrong in wishing so? Lately, I've been 'tagging' people over their blogs haha. Most of them to those whom I know of course... Ack. CHERYANA! I NEED TO RELINK MY BLOG BUT YOU HAVE TO TAGBOARD FOR ME TO DO SO. :\ Nvm. I'll remind you in school tomorrow. Which is Tuesday. Which is the day that I might get back my Geography and English paper... oh god the horror. I'm not that confident in acing my geography since it's quite difficult....OH LORD HELP ME HERE.
I've been searching for mangas. You know... like the comic version of animes? Yeah. But actually, majority of the animes actually comes from mangas. And sometimes dramas comes from mangas. See that intense power mangas have...? LOL yeahyeah w/e. Right. BUT. I'm currently crazing over DENGKI DAISY. Awesomely-good-looking characters(girlsinvolvedplz). So yeah.
The friend on tagged? Oh. We decided to chat over on msn. But he won't be on alot. Just like me lol. Meh. enough about him. Ahhhhhh...... my lil bro's waking up...OHFREAKNO! He'll be begging to use the computer FOR SURE! @__________@ Thereeee goes my freedom....sighs. Hm. Nothing else to talk about eh. Oh wells. I'll be busy RPig.