Saturday's finally here and I still feel rotten. Gasp. Art project really drags down my mood. Ugh. The pain-- you have no idea...
Fortunately, dad will be heading out to JOHOR with Syazni to buy for the family some pizzas to feast on at home since I told them that due to this much assignments, I can't go out. Sorry dearies :(
Wahh... yesterday was Friday. Like duh lol. It was the average, like always. Actually better than last year. My classmates are not that bad. No worries for me no worries for me. First lesson was MT. It was alright I suppose. Hence I won't be sharing with you guys much about it.
The next lesson was biology. Joo/Ju-sensei had a fit... oh dear. Why you ask? Well, thankfully for our class(3C), we managed to arrive at the bio. lab early. However... some of the 3D's were well, lumbering their way. Resulting; lateness. Resulting again; wastage of 15 mins of the lesson. No wonder he was fuming mad! Though, he was smart enough to lighten up the mood as the lesson goes in deeper. Yay! I really respect those who doesn't hold grudges. It's really pathetic and disgusting to me. So, if you are a being that hold grudges, let it go let it go let it go, alright? Smile :)
Then it was english. FUN! Me, Rei, Arifa, Shankari and Carolyn were grouped together at our own will. Teehee was hilarious~ We planned to stick together too during the Sec3 camp on March. Who wouldn't? They are a bunch of lovely dearies, no'? ;)
After recess was um... Math! Like the usual, helped people here and there for the sums haha! It was the most average lesson in the day, besides MT. Um...er... I still can't spell sensei's name correctly so... my apologies
Then it was CCA. The usual I guess? March here and there, march everywh-- ok skip that. Before the march, we played TWISTER. First time playing it actually. It was fun too :) Gilbert-sensei walked passed.
Him: *odd look* It'll be much more fun if you guys play with boys
Me: hahaha!
Then he walked away. Hm yeah. That's all for Friday.
Hm I really fell in love with Akemi's headphone. If I have the money, I'll buy it on my own