Thursday, October 29, 2009 7:53 PM
Body World-- 29/10/09-- 7:54PM

Hey! (:
Today we went to Science Center for the "BODY WORLD" exhibition. Awesomeawesomeawesome! Although it sort of creep me out at first but after awhile, I got used to it. Haha~ Me, Mira and Chery were like:
I swear we were finishing a race or something. We got separated from the rest of the girls )': But we rejoiced back again! Yay! :D Hm. After we exited the exhibition, we ate a little of the McDonalds, then we went CRAZY over the official SCIENCE CENTER. I swear we were like high or something xD Especially Mira and Chery. I was like the MOM with TWO CHILDREN =_= But in the end, I became one of them LOL. Too bad I didn't brought the camera along ): I could've taken photos of us thereeeee. Sighs. And thennn we head back to school and yadayadayada HOME >)
OH and there'll be a class party tomorrow.... )': AND we'll get our results x____x Not that I'm...that afraid...of it....ugh. Finefine so I am so I am. Mira was told to bring CAKE CRUMBLE >D Yummm~ Although I doubt I'll eat it ^^" Since I'm not fond if cakes but that'll be rude eh? ...Bring class T tomorrow....xP Oh well. Later!