Tuesday, November 3, 2009 11:38 PM
Dilly Hey-- 3/11/09-- 11:41PM

Dilly Hey!
Trust me, I have no clue what that even means. Started coming up with random phrases or words. Well. Dilly Hay's the only one I've come up with so far haha. I've been working on the class forum for almost the whole evening! Tiring! The most EPIC-WIN stuff made is the banner. IT. TIS. AWESOME. Too bad I won't be giving you any hints. Nadda', zitch. (; I love surprises yahahaha.
Ugh my leg hurts. Feels like a thousand needles started "stabbing" into my flesh... really annoying. Cold weather darnnit.
Lol Mira called me earlier in the evening... We've been chatting on the phone for 46 mins O,O I was like: "Whoa. Nearly an hour? NEW RECAAA'RDD" (record). Hahax~ What a life the both of us have. Talking about what? Like hell I'll tell you (:
SHIT. See that "mystery-to-be-hot-dude" pic. above? Yeahhh I have his full photo(original) ;D LOL nah found him lost in the google search engine. So what else, USED HIM ALREADY. Not... in the wrong way.... >3> WTF SO RANDOM.
God I'm practically half dead and asleep. Gah. I'll give in to sleep for now. I'll write up tomorrow (;