Like the new skin? Hope you do :) I did an estimation of 2 hours to search for a perfect skin. There are far more better than this one. But the setting doesn't match the criteria needed. Especially for the position of the playlist. Haha, I'm such a fag.
Speaking of fags, have you had any idea where does this fag word comes from? It's like, "Oh wow. That kid's a faggot." Like come on. Wth is a faggot in the first place? It sounds like maggot. Heh. Maggot sounds much more proper if comparing to faggot. Lol. I have issues(yet again). I'm not feeling very well... Ugh.
My neck hurts, my arm feels sore... what could get any worser than this? Oh wait. I got that one. It's HAVING A BORING LIFE RIGHT NOW. GAAAAAAAAAAAAHH. I'm growing sick of this disease called boredom. It's like taking control of the whole universe at every second of the time =_=.
Earlier today:
Went back to school to hand in the S.O (Subject Option) form. Hot weather. I swear I could melt that time. Soo Mira called me in the middle of my little journey to school. Said that she wanted to meet ourselves at school. Of course, I was like "wth" at first(that's just cuz I'm a little grumpy over everything that time; not about me hating her or anything sheesh). Then I agreed, of course. Sisters should stick up for one another right? :) I'm so kind *bricked*. Lol wtf Nabilahhhhh. So yeah. Said she'll arrive about 15 mins later. Ended up 20-25 mins later. But tis' alright. Afterall, our predictions are never right, right? Soooo went into the General Office, asked Mira to help me out to give in the form. LOL the counter-y(new word rofl.) was like: "You ask her to give the form to you blablabla" Of course. She was joking. But I swear, I swear I didn't get her AT ALL. Considering myself to be listening to music haha. What a retard Nabilah.
Mira had CCA... didn't get to go home together D': I really wanted to go home together but *shrugs* CCA there CCA here... Lol uh no, I DON'T hate Mira OK?? If I sounded like I do, I'm sorry but you're mistaken. I love me sistery-friend; Mira :) So misunderstanding cleared~
BUAHAHAHA. I thought you'd asked about that weird image up there~^^^
While I was playing habbo, saw that weird girl without a head. I was like: "...........wth." Theeeeen I print-screen >D Evil me. Fear me. Rawr.... so lame =_=; LOL and that boy-habbo near her was-- I swear he was doing some water-ballerina or something. LOLWUT. Then again, even the no-headed girl up there. Nice bikini LOL. Nvmn. I'm such an ass ;)
I might do more blogging again for today. See ya.