Miss me? Of course-- not really haha. Had been sitting for the common tests for 2 consecutive days. Difficulty level of the papers? Not that hard or that easy. However I'll have to applaud the science department for setting such basic questions heh :P Bahaha too bad I checked that I made 2 mistakes; I think for the Chemistry test. There was this one question, asking about something that we are all not familiar of! I mean, bloody hell :|
Only Pei Wan and Eileen managed to answered that right. Something about "solvent front" or something. Too bad no one knew what was the purpose of it in a Chromatogram :\ Goodness. I'm speaking in Chem. language. HAH! The biology paper was.... way too easy :| It didn't even seem real! According to my stopwatch, I lasted for... 9 minutes and 43 seconds!
"Oh come on. Was it really that easy? >_>"
I swear it was. I just hope I got A1 or something... I can't afford to get B3 for Bio...! No. NEVER! Ugh, imagine the weight of the world on both shoulders due to high expectations of Mr Njoo on the class... my goodness. Other than that, we had our MT. (I'm taking malay btw). MT was... easy too...? I really can't gauge the difficulty level; that accurately. I fear of getting disappointed marks. Period.
Hmhm we had "THINKING DAY" on Monday. Cutting to the chase-- I screwed up. Well not that badly but, yeah, I screwed up :| No matter, I won't really be bother by it. Simple mistake. Tsk.
Oh god. I haven't even started updating on GG blog... .___. Imm'a be dead soon enough if the rest found out... damn time constrains. Ugh -__-
I'll be having tuition at 7 soon... it'll end at 8:30.... I hate my life :)