Wednesday, February 24, 2010 5:48 AM
first thing in the morning.

It's currently 5:50AM. I'll be waking up those lazy-heads at 6... but a promising 5:55 for dad. He can't wake up that easily -.- I don't get it. What a bother...
My math test would be today, followed by ART. ART would... not be that difficult; even though we're doing the torturous SOVA. Goodness :| As for MATH, I don't think there'll be that much of a problem while doing it. Just so you know I won't commit any careless mistakes. I seriously hate the word careless. It's driving me up the wall! GOD. |:
Hmm there'll be no CCA today. If you're asking my happiness level about that, not so. I love CCA days HAHA.
Is currently on MSN with him. Bahaha no one knows this except... Mira I think :0 It's for me to know, for you to-- ok. Scratch that. Don't need to know it unless I want you to know it...
Ok byebye~