Saturday, February 27, 2010 10:32 PM
talking crap.

Yes, I love photographs.
Yes, I can be a camwhore.
No, I'm not "action".
I express my passion of photography through my pictures.
I express my own self through photography.
I have my own ways.
You guys have yours.
Don't misunderstand me kay.
I hate being accused of being "action"
Like as if that's even a real word.
I feel insulted that you guys accused me of something that I despise.
However I will forgive you.
I don't hold grudges, even if there's a scar left.
So yeah, I just hope you guys realized I'm not who you guys think of.
Friday, February 26, 2010 9:46 PM
Time lap.

Ello :)
Today's like.... normal ._. Seriously, there's like nothing exciting going on about my life :| What a bore.
First period was MT. Damn boring... god. :| Sensei made us... like, check the files...? Ahah... I think I might've lose some of the sheets. Oh dear dear dear...
OH. Almost forgot to mention that me and Mira had been like, messaging each other since morning LOL. We miss each other so very much :'( She's practically having some problems with some not-worth-it people at school.... Don't worry man! JUST DON'T GIVE DAMN ABOUT THEM AND LIVE ON! >D Like seriously. Why bother about such people -.-
After MT was BIO. FUNNN as always. Mr Njoo was basically suffering bc'uz SOME OF US just kept on dreamingggg then, he'll get fustrateddddd... wow. (Btw I really have no idea who those people are haha :P) He revised again about Diffusion and Osmosis. I mean... come on. We've done that during Sec 2! Ask Rei; I was bored till I nearly died >_>" Bu then again, its good recap :)
Thennn it was English. FREE PERIOD! Me, Beverley and TingWei were behaving like idiots, pulling this long red ribbon. I got wrapped up by that ribbon by them once -.- Haha~
Recess. Meh. Took photos of the class ^u^ Jake made a VloG. LOL. I couldn't face the camera xDD Sorry J! I'm just not worth it in the acting industry HAHA. Rei was basically spazzing xD Enjoyed the moment yea~ :> I'll update the photos tomorrow or something.
Thenn Math. Damn easy :| Enough said.
CCA WAS OK I GUESS T.T Too bad AKEMI and DEEPINK weren't there! D: Oh wells. We had fun anyways~
FINALLY managed to come back into contact with my primary school buddies :D One of them was Marvin. Haha! They all said I looked totally different o.o Wow. Weird :| But uh yeah, I guess I do look different ^^" Shoot I can't find a decent pic of me during primary school :| I'm planning to follow them during the next 6P outing! :] Hope it'll turn out well!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:03 PM
"how was your day?"

Average. Enough said. |:
Had the math paper today. Easy ._. I'm like the first one to complete the whole paper |: Then I did some rechecking for any careless mistakes. So far none. However I managed to check the first 2 pages. There's 4 pages by the way. God, I hope the last two pages won't fail on me. I'll pull my hair out if it did! Seriously!
Oh than we had ART as the next lesson. Rei was so sad ): I tried to cheer her up but I'm really not good at that... Too bad for me huh ): But then I managed to crack her up a smile due to me and Jack. He and I had been, like, trying to memorize all the nonsense from the ART subject since the next paper for the day would be ART.
ME: Jackkk testmetestme!JACK: Oh ok. What are the elements of art??
Me: Shape, colour,!?!
JACK: Walao!
Then I FINALLY managed to remember both elements and principals of ART and design! He called it the "re,re,re,reTEST" LOL! Meh. I had this mind block. My apologies ;P
Ah... then we took pictures during recess! HAHA It was hilarious!

omg the mouth(s)! >0<>




PEIWAN says HI! :D

LMFAO. I editted that xDD (JACK)

My god this boy appears out of nowhere. The camera too -.-

"talk to the board". LOL (me + rei)
I'm so effing' pissed off now. Dad gets the desired phone he wants. Me? ME?! DO I GET ANY?! NO RIGHT! WHAT THE F-.... AAAAHHHH This is srsly FCKING UNFAIR! GOD! #%$#@^@#^%34#%$&^%*&*#*&)(!@#@#%
My phone's been broken for a year now. He's still stubborn about sending it to a shop to fix it. Instead,I got this fcking old-brand handphone which's like, limited memory space, no bluetooth, no USB cable, nothing.
sheesh whatev.
5:48 AM
first thing in the morning.

It's currently 5:50AM. I'll be waking up those lazy-heads at 6... but a promising 5:55 for dad. He can't wake up that easily -.- I don't get it. What a bother...
My math test would be today, followed by ART. ART would... not be that difficult; even though we're doing the torturous SOVA. Goodness :| As for MATH, I don't think there'll be that much of a problem while doing it. Just so you know I won't commit any careless mistakes. I seriously hate the word careless. It's driving me up the wall! GOD. |:
Hmm there'll be no CCA today. If you're asking my happiness level about that, not so. I love CCA days HAHA.
Is currently on MSN with him. Bahaha no one knows this except... Mira I think :0 It's for me to know, for you to-- ok. Scratch that. Don't need to know it unless I want you to know it...
Ok byebye~
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:22 PM
what a strange thing.

Miss me? Of course-- not really haha. Had been sitting for the common tests for 2 consecutive days. Difficulty level of the papers? Not that hard or that easy. However I'll have to applaud the science department for setting such basic questions heh :P Bahaha too bad I checked that I made 2 mistakes; I think for the Chemistry test. There was this one question, asking about something that we are all not familiar of! I mean, bloody hell :|
Only Pei Wan and Eileen managed to answered that right. Something about "solvent front" or something. Too bad no one knew what was the purpose of it in a Chromatogram :\ Goodness. I'm speaking in Chem. language. HAH! The biology paper was.... way too easy :| It didn't even seem real! According to my stopwatch, I lasted for... 9 minutes and 43 seconds!
"Oh come on. Was it really that easy? >_>"
I swear it was. I just hope I got A1 or something... I can't afford to get B3 for Bio...! No. NEVER! Ugh, imagine the weight of the world on both shoulders due to high expectations of Mr Njoo on the class... my goodness. Other than that, we had our MT. (I'm taking malay btw). MT was... easy too...? I really can't gauge the difficulty level; that accurately. I fear of getting disappointed marks. Period.
Hmhm we had "THINKING DAY" on Monday. Cutting to the chase-- I screwed up. Well not that badly but, yeah, I screwed up :| No matter, I won't really be bother by it. Simple mistake. Tsk.
Oh god. I haven't even started updating on GG blog... .___. Imm'a be dead soon enough if the rest found out... damn time constrains. Ugh -__-
I'll be having tuition at 7 soon... it'll end at 8:30.... I hate my life :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010 12:09 AM
where are you.

Where are you...My wait for you is at its limit.
At least notify me.
I just want you to ease me before my sleep.
I want to smile as I sleep.
Where are you...
Monday, February 15, 2010 8:41 PM
Sunday, February 14, 2010 8:30 AM
My parents.
For how long will the two of them withstand one another?
Lol this sounds like a life-long battle...
I'd make my day if they would just split up.
Too much of a hassle -.-
Saturday, February 13, 2010 7:00 AM
Is this even for real...?
Just a pretend huh?
I...dunno anymore...
Things that passes by me...
Why can't I trust them so easily?
Why am I losing trust in people around me?
I must be paranoid...
Yeah.... that's it..
The symptoms are just too clear...
No wait.
It's ok.
It's fine to hate me,
I won't back down.
I'll be a good friend for you.
Yeah... I really will.
No matter how many times you try to hurt me,
I won't back down.
So just watch me.
Watch this fool very closely.
I...really feel like crying.
Every single second...
I don't understand ;_;
What's wrong with me?
Monday, February 8, 2010 8:13 PM
Hello oh hello.
It has been awhile since I've made a proper update... Maybe due to the limitations of the free time I have now. Well, that can't be help now can it? School has been the normal. Nothing bad going on(thank goodness). My studies? A-Ok so far harsss. I jsut hope POA won't bail on me tsk. I didn't know that a senior in GG actually scored A1 for her POA?! I was totally shocked.
Me: Do you take POA?
Her: Yeah.
Me: How much did you score for it usually??
Her: Um A1...
Me: .......O___________________X?!?!??!
Me: H-HOW DID YOU DO IT?!?!?Then she explained about methods on how to score POA hehe. I'm in the advantage here teehee! Ohh I had a retest on Chemistry. Can't believe I just passed it?! >3> If you ask me, I'd rather fail. But then I got to know that it was actually due to me misunderstanding the questions... Wastage of marks, my god! Hmrmrmrmmmm we'll be planning a B-DAY bash for the January babies in GG! Yeah! It would be quite a splashing good time soon! Yahahahar!
Ugh but before that we'll be having a retest on Maths. Like what the heck? I SCORED B4 HELLO(even though I'm never satisfied with that disgusting grade)AND WHY AM I INCLUDED IN RESITTING FOR IT?!?!? They said that the whole level of Express actually scored badly for it....-_-" Impossibleeeeee! Sheesshhhhhh... this is a waste of time seriously...
Oh welll I'll be going to updating GG blog! (: See you people tomorrow(maybe)! Have a good night!
Saturday, February 6, 2010 9:18 PM
They come...
Made me feel the hope everyone feels.
Then they go...
Made me feel the stillness of this throbbing heart is.
What's the use?
Just give it up already...
Feelings, thoughts, imaginations....dreams,
Nothing but lies.
Here I lye feeling aloof.
Heck, where exactly am I, I wonder?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010 7:54 PM
Shit happens.
Busy like hell these days.
Can't blame the school.
Like hey; I'm already Sec 3.
O-Level next year.
What the crap time flies yea.
I'm kinda moody these days.
I may not look or sound like it but;
Truth hurts in me.
Pshawww whatev'.
Get lost dammit.
Sorry..... :|