Ello :)
Today's like.... normal ._. Seriously, there's like nothing exciting going on about my life :| What a bore.
First period was MT. Damn boring... god. :| Sensei made us... like, check the files...? Ahah... I think I might've lose some of the sheets. Oh dear dear dear...
OH. Almost forgot to mention that me and Mira had been like, messaging each other since morning LOL. We miss each other so very much :'( She's practically having some problems with some not-worth-it people at school.... Don't worry man! JUST DON'T GIVE DAMN ABOUT THEM AND LIVE ON! >D Like seriously. Why bother about such people -.-
After MT was BIO. FUNNN as always. Mr Njoo was basically suffering bc'uz SOME OF US just kept on dreamingggg then, he'll get fustrateddddd... wow. (Btw I really have no idea who those people are haha :P) He revised again about Diffusion and Osmosis. I mean... come on. We've done that during Sec 2! Ask Rei; I was bored till I nearly died >_>" Bu then again, its good recap :)
Thennn it was English. FREE PERIOD! Me, Beverley and TingWei were behaving like idiots, pulling this long red ribbon. I got wrapped up by that ribbon by them once -.- Haha~
Recess. Meh. Took photos of the class ^u^ Jake made a VloG. LOL. I couldn't face the camera xDD Sorry J! I'm just not worth it in the acting industry HAHA. Rei was basically spazzing xD Enjoyed the moment yea~ :> I'll update the photos tomorrow or something.
Thenn Math. Damn easy :| Enough said.
CCA WAS OK I GUESS T.T Too bad AKEMI and DEEPINK weren't there! D: Oh wells. We had fun anyways~
FINALLY managed to come back into contact with my primary school buddies :D One of them was Marvin. Haha! They all said I looked totally different o.o Wow. Weird :| But uh yeah, I guess I do look different ^^" Shoot I can't find a decent pic of me during primary school :| I'm planning to follow them during the next 6P outing! :] Hope it'll turn out well!
